Automate Security Requirements & Maximize Cost Savings

Automate Security Requirements &
Maximize Cost Savings

Want to reduce developer time spent on manual security processes, cut costs, and release secure software faster? Our cost savings calculator shows how much you could save with SD Elements.

How do we calculate cost savings?

We combine real-world data and industry benchmarks to estimate your savings.*
Cost Savings Calculator

Employee Costs

Based on the average hourly rates
of security architects and developers.

Based on the average hourly rates of security architects and developers.
Cost Savings Calculator

Time Savings

Calculate the hours saved in security planning, remediation, and vulnerability management.
Calculate the hours saved in security planning, remediation, and vulnerability management.
Cost Savings Calculator

Error Reduction

Estimate the costs avoided by reducing vulnerabilities and remediation efforts.
Estimate the costs avoided by reducing vulnerabilities and remediation efforts.

Unlock Advanced Insights

Want a deeper dive into your potential ROI? Access our Advanced ROI Calculator for a more detailed analysis tailored to your organization. Unlock insights with custom data inputs and uncover additional savings and efficiencies unique to your software development process.

Cost Savings Calculator

Unlock Advanced Insights

Want a deeper dive into your potential ROI? Access our Advanced ROI Calculator for a more detailed analysis tailored to your organization. Unlock insights with custom data inputs and uncover additional savings and efficiencies unique to your software development process.

Cost Savings Calculator
Cost Savings Calculator

Start securing your software with proactive security requirements

Want to see SD Elements or SD Blueprint in action and learn how defining security requirements early can streamline development and reduce risk?


Or maybe you’re looking to equip your developers with engaging, research-driven Application Security Training?


Select a day to schedule a demo and explore how our solutions can strengthen your security posture and support business growth today.


Start securing your software with proactive security requirements

Want to see SD Elements or SD Blueprint in action and learn how defining security requirements early can streamline development and reduce risk?


Or maybe you’re looking to equip your developers with engaging, research-driven Application Security Training?


Select a day to schedule a demo and explore how our solutions can strengthen your security posture and support business growth today.

Start Saving Today

Discover how SD Elements can scale your SDLC processes, automating security requirements to deliver measurable cost savings.
Explore flexible plans tailored to maximize efficiency and start saving time and resources now.
Discover how SD Elements can scale your SDLC processes, automating security requirements to deliver measurable cost savings. Explore flexible plans tailored to maximize efficiency and start saving time and resources now.

Additional Resources


*The sources used for the cost savings calculations are derived from Security Compass’ research report and Forrester Consulting’s Studies of the Total Economic Impact™ of SD Elements. Forrester Consulting has not verified the results or certified the cost savings calculator for accuracy. The cost savings calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only, and any information obtained by using the cost savings calculator should not be considered as financial or legal advice. Results may vary depending on the information used for cost savings calculations. Security Compass makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy or reliability of the cost savings calculations. Security Compass accepts no liability whatsoever for any losses or liabilities allegedly arising from the use of the cost savings calculator.


*The sources used for the cost savings calculations are derived from Security Compass’ research report and Forrester Consulting’s Studies of the Total Economic Impact™ of SD Elements. Forrester Consulting has not verified the results or certified the cost savings calculator for accuracy. The cost savings calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only, and any information obtained by using the cost savings calculator should not be considered as financial or legal advice. Results may vary depending on the information used for cost savings calculations. Security Compass makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy or reliability of the cost savings calculations. Security Compass accepts no liability whatsoever for any losses or liabilities allegedly arising from the use of the cost savings calculator.