How can you best manage security risks at scale?

SD Elements – your solution for identifying, managing and mitigating risk, without increasing your costs or time to market.

Manufacturing Industry
Manufacturing Industry

In the business of manufacturing smart, connected products, accelerating time to market is critical.

The constant pressure to release products quickly is significant. So too is the pressure of ensuring those products are secure.


Expectations are high, and demonstrating compliance is critical.

Current strategies to maintain build velocity and increase security include manual threat modeling, secure coding standards, and security requirements, but these methods just don’t scale.


They require scarce security and development resources, and can take weeks to complete. Adding the output and controls to spreadsheets for development is unreliable, not to mention difficult to track across dozens – or hundreds – of projects.


Our flagship product, SD Elements, is the solution to these issues.


SD Elements helps you to proactively reduce cybersecurity and privacy risk in your products – without slowing down your time to market.

It automatically identifies threats and risks and translates those into actionable controls that can be added to your project requirements.

Below are just some of the benefits that it offers:

Manufacturing Industry

Rank projects by risk status

Not every project requires the same level of attention. Lower risk projects, such as those with limited attack surfaces or managing inconsequential data, present low inherent risk. Projects and products intended to be internet facing, or managing regulated data pose much higher inherent risk and demand greater scrutiny. Use SD Elements to identify your most critical projects.
Manufacturing Industry

Create consistencies and efficiencies

Eliminate unwieldy spreadsheets and inconsistent manual systems. Because SD Elements automatically classifies projects by inherent risk, it helps your team to better prioritize their resources and drive greater efficiencies. SD Elements also increases consistency in identifying security and privacy requirements – and their controls – across products and solutions.
Manufacturing Industry

Integrate and action requirements

SD Elements helps you to standardize sets of secure coding requirements, and turn them into actionable, auditable tasks for your team. These are delivered directly into your teams’ task lists via the tools they already use, integrating with tools such as Jira, VersionOne, and Azure Boards.
Manufacturing Industry

Scalable security for your whole portfolio

Benefit from enhanced security in a much shorter span of time. SD Elements helps you to accelerate security and compliance processes while remaining in line with Agile and DevOps methods, even at scale.
Manufacturing Industry

Readily demonstrate your compliance

SD Elements helps you track risk lowering controls to easily verify which requirements have been implemented. It automatically generates test plans and reports that help you demonstrate regulatory compliance – taking the frustration out of your auditing processes.

How does SD Elements work?

Step 1: Information Gathering

SD Elements’ dynamic survey gathers key data in minutes, capturing essential information about your deployment environment, technology stack, and regulatory and internal compliance requirements.


Even if details are limited, SD Elements’ built-in logic identifies and helps you prioritize your next steps, and it will further refine its guidance over time when you add more detailed information.
Manufacturing Industry
SD elements

Step 2: Developer-Centric Threat Modeling

SD Elements gathers information about your project and automatically generates threat modeling diagrams. By automating the generation of developer-centric software threat models, developers are able to efficiently identify threats and know exactly where to implement required countermeasures.

Step 3: Expert Assessment

SD Elements’ advanced decision-making engine automatically identifies risks, threats, and potential weaknesses, drawing on the information gathered during Step 1.

By ranking your overall risk relative to your company’s security and compliance policies, SD Elements enables you to take a more strategic approach to managing applications.

Manufacturing Industry

Step 4: Recommendations

Translating threats, risks, and compliance requirements into specific, actionable recommendations and controls, SD Elements seamlessly integrates these with your existing trackers, including tools like VersionOne, Azure Boards, or Jira.

Leveraging its regularly updated content library, SD Elements draws on thousands of recommendations from all over the world. These are mapped to regulatory standards and are translated into specific, actionable tasks for your team.

Manufacturing Industry
Validation Engine SD Elements

Step 5: Validation and Reports

Easily validate that security controls are underway, or complete, with SD Elements, as it integrates with testing tools, such as Veracode, Fortify and Checkmarx.

Capture insights and snapshots from your dashboard, or create compliance status reports in seconds.

SD Elements also offers detailed analytics for all projects, so your security experts can focus their efforts where they are most needed.


Why ensure security by design for your firmware?

According to Gartner, by 2022 “70% of organizations that do not have a firmware upgrade plan in place will be breached due to a firmware vulnerability”.