Highly Personal Data Is the Future of Tech, But Is It Secure?
Just try to make a tech CEO pipe down about big data.
There’s no hotter idea in tech now than the philosophy that massive amounts of raw information can solve all the world’s problems, from obesity to language barriers to disaster response. Those at the forefront of technology pontificate about a Utopian future in which our heartbeats unlock our front doors, our social networks catalog the music we’re listening to, and our DNA warns about which illness is going to kill us.
But there’s not much talk about whether all of this extremely personal data is protected from malicious hackers — or from salivating marketers.
“It’s a whole different category of what we call ‘personal data,’ and we need to treat it differently,” Rohit Sethi, vice president of security firm Security Compass, told NBC News. “You can get a credit card reissued. But you can’t reset your heartbeat or your DNA.”
Read the rest here: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/highly-personal-data-future-tech-it-secure-n117091