Maturity Is Critical On Both Sides Of A Software Development Project

Internal teams look to outsourced agencies to add incredible value, something only an experienced studio can offer. Those teams also can’t afford any mistakes, given the critical nature of software for most businesses.

On the flip side, outsourced development teams don’t want to work with inexperienced in-house teams who don’t know how much effort is required, or who aren’t willing to put in the work.

When choosing a partner, both parties should look for a team with a level of maturity and experience if they want to guarantee a successful outcome. Here’s why.


On both sides of the client-agency relationship, there is a tendency for inexperienced teams to jump headfirst into development without first analyzing and planning the project in full. This is a recipe for disaster.

For one, a mature software development process must start by connecting the project with wider corporate goals. That’s because software is business-critical, says Altaz Valani, research director at Security Compass. Software is a main driver of business success, and any failure of a software development project can have a significant effect on the business.

Read the full Kingsmen Software article…