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SD Elements Support

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Application Security Traininig Support

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Kontra Support

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Committed to your success

The right support for where you are - and where you are going.

Security Compass offers service and support plans right-sized to the current needs and future goals of your organization.

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An out-of-the-box plan with support from our team on rollout plans, business reviews, and training.

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Provides additional support including instructor-led training, reporting, and additional resources to support plan rollout.

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Includes DevSecOps design consulting services, advanced automation and API supports, and stakeholder incentive plan services.




Support to get started but execute a self-service rollout
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Guided support with scaling security plan
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Instructor-led training as needed
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Advanced automation options for scaling and adoption
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Introduce and excite teams about security “shifting left”
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Discover how SD Elements integrates with your existing tools

Navigating Your Security Compass Support

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